man, praying, church

What does it mean to be a Disciple of Christ?

I’m excited to finish up this series on 3 Types of Christians!

We’ve covered a lot throughout this series. We learned the belief system of Carnal Christians. Then explored the motives of Christ Followers. Today we discover what Disciples of Christ look like and how we can grow into one. Many people are Christians, but very few are Disciples of Christ.

I dare not call anyone who claims to be a Christian a non-christian. I also can’t ignore the people that skim the surface or wade to a comfortable level in God’s spring of living water. There must be deeper currents. Indeed! Since the God of the bible is infinite, there must be a continuum of depth.   

The Disciple of Christ

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These Christians are difficult to identify, but never go unnoticed. They might seem a little ‘funny’ but that’s because they operate from a spiritual paradigm. They advocate Christ’s authority in Heaven and on Earth. To be sure, Christ Followers embrace this paradigm as well, but with reservation.

Where some Christ Followers are uncomfortable discussing spiritual realities, Disciples of Christ are ready to engage. While some Christ Followers are intrigued by unseen realms, Disciples of Christ have a healthy amount of Holy Fear. Where some Christ Followers devote significant energy to religion, Disciples of Christ pour out their lives in service to God.

Disciples of Christ embody John 14:15 “If you love me then keep my commandments”. Disciples of Christ believe God’s promises wholeheartedly. Disciples of Christ think differently about life. Life on earth means suffering and bringing God glory. Death isn’t something they fear because being with Christ is far better than anything on Earth.   

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Disciples of Christ are not perfect people. Peter, the rock on which Jesus built his church, denied meeting Jesus three times. Fast forward to the day of Pentecost. Peter preached a Holy Spirit lead sermon and thousands of people put their faith in Jesus. 

Saul describes himself as the chief of all sinners. He was a Pharisee and hunted Christians. He was an expert in the law. As proud as they come. After encountering the risen Lord things turned around. Fast forward to the end and his name is Paul. He stood at the epicenter of intellectual thought and preached the Gospel. Out of the 26 books of the New Testament, Paul wrote or dictated 13.     

To God be the Glory! Disciples of Christ are not perfect. They are regular people like you and me. This begs the question — what sets them apart? I’d say there are many characteristics; but, we can single out one key behavior: Obedience.   

Characteristic: They Are Obedient

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Imagine you’ve trekked across thousands of miles with a man who performed miracles. You saw him exercise authority over the laws of physics and metaphysics. He told you about the future and explained mysterious truths. You shared meals with this man and he showed you, unconditional love. You acknowledge him as the only Son of God, the Messiah, and he called you friend.   

Then you witness his arrest and run for your life. You hear about his excruciating beating and hide in fear. You hear about his violent execution and your hope for the future dies. You ate, drank, and slept near this man for three years. Now he is dead.   

Three days later you hear he is risen! He is ALIVE! You run to his grave and it’s empty! How can this be? The man who outwits religious experts and casts out demons has overcome death? You don’t believe it, but at the same time, this man is unbelievable. You don’t know what to believe. 

As you’re discussing recent events with he appears in the room! You see his new body with nailed scarred hands. He instructs you not to be faithless. He tells you to believe. He restores your hope! His teachings make more sense! You’re changed forever. The last time you see this man he gives you a final word of instruction — “I have all authority in heaven and on earth. So, go and make disciples of all the nations. Baptizing them in the name of the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. ”           — then exercises his power over nature and ascends into the sky. Would this experience compel you to obey? It was enough for 12 strangers. They didn’t just repent of their sins and become members of a church. They were obedient until death…

1. Peter was crucified in 66 A.D. for preaching the Gospel. Paul was spared a lingering death because of his Roman citizenship but was beheaded for preaching the Gospel around the same time.

2. Apostal Andrew is said to have been crucified in modern-day Greece. It’s believed that while he hung on his x-shaped cross he preached the Gospel. Displaying obedience until the very end.

3. Apostle Thomas was speared to death in India. Very little is known about his execution.

4. Matthew The Tax Collector, is said to have been impaled (stabbed) to death in Ethiopia. Some traditions say burned, stoned, or beheaded.

5. Apostle Bartholomew (Nathaniel) traveled with Thomas, but we aren’t exactly sure how he died, but most traditions are gruesome. 

6. Apostle James (Son of Zebedee, not Jesus’ half-brother) was put to death by the sword (beheaded).

7. Apostle Jude (Thaddeus) is said to have been hewed to death in Syria.

8. Apostle Simon (The Zealot) was either crucified, sawed in half, or died of natural causes.

9. Apostle Matthais, the disciple that replaced Judas, is very obscure. Very little is known. Tradition says he was either stoned, beheaded, or died of old age.

10. Apostle Philip's Basically, we don’t know how Philip died. But there are plenty of possibilities. Stoned, crucified or beheaded.

11. Apostle John is said to have died of natural causes.

12. Apostle James (The The Just) was Thrown from the top of a temple and beaten to death. Speculation abounds. Not all scholars agree. 

Perhaps the only litmus test to become a Disciple of Christ is martyrdom. If you try to save your life, you’ll lose it, but if you lose your life for Him you will find it. Every Disciple of Christ held onto Jesus’ words. They were driven by a sense of purpose and duty. Perhaps the most simple duty of all: Obedience.   

How You Can Grow: Ask God to Increase Your Faith

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Sometimes we get caught up being “christian” and forget that God is doing work in us. We think we have to do better for God to love us. Nothing can be further from the truth. The Bible is peppered verses encouraging us to ask, seek, know, pursue, etc.

Matthew 7:7

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

Matthew 21:22

“And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

Philippians 4:6

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

If you want to grow into a Disciple of Christ, you must exercise the faith you already have faith! I don’t suggest walking on water or jumping into a firey furnace, but fasting once or twice a week is a great way to flex your spiritual muscles. Get serious about your spiritual development.

Final Thoughts

Growing in faith isn’t complicated, but its difficult. To put things in perspective – the disciples walked with Christ and heard his teaching. Witnessed remarkable signs and watched astonishing wonders. After all this, they still ran away in fear when Jesus was arrested. They had little faith.

We see a very different story after the resurrection. We have to attribute that to a renewed faith in Jesus Christ. They preached the Gospel fervently and defended it fearlessly. They were not intimidated by enemy spirits or false teachers. They leaned into the Holy Spirit for strength. They believed Jesus’ words wholeheartedly.

Their faith increased after they understood one thing…Jesus is who he claimed to be..

Hebrews 11:1  “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

Josiah duff

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