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Three Types of Christians


I’ve noticed an animal within Christian culture. This animal is so massive that anyone peering into the world of Christianity (from the outside) can see the elephant in the room: Some Christians aren’t very Christ-like. Some neglect certain teachings of Jesus – others embrace love but only love themselves. A select few strips down and run the race with perseverance.

Simply put, even though we ought to, all Christians do not behave the same. This reality creates a paradox. Consider this one example. A body of “Christians” can hate LGBTQ+ while simultaneously another body of “Christians” accepts and condone the lifestyle of habitual sin. How is this real? Perhaps the only truth found here is that neither body feels convicted by the Holy Spirit.

What’s Your Type?

With careful thought and consideration, I’ve identified 3 types of Christians. Broadly speaking, each type is under the umbrella of Christianity; however, Carnal Christians are partially soaked in relative truth, Christ Followers enjoy a sprinkle of life’s pleasures, while Disciples of Christ are wholly fulfilled within God’s covering.

On the surface, it’s hard to differentiate between Carnal Christians and Christ Followers. Sometimes they appear the same, but on most occasions have stark differences. Christ Followers can also resemble Disciples of Christ, but they differ in many ways. Collectively, they all represent levels of spiritual maturity.

Carnal Christians wear the label but aren’t defined by it. Christ Followers have the gear and know the lingo, but can leverage their position to judge. Disciples of Christ are seemingly few and far between. They maneuver with a delicate balance of strength and love. They count the cost and pursue sanctification — disciplining others along the way.


(1) What do you think it means to be a Christian?

(2) Which type are you and why?

Colossians 1:28–29  Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.

Thanks For Reading!

In this 4-week series, I will describe 3 different types of Christians, zoom in on one characteristic of each, and highlight one way to grow. I pray this series challenges you. I pray God reveals himself in a new way. Join me next Sunday for a look at The Carnal Christian.

In the meantime get involved on the Humble Perspective Facebook Page. Be sure to like, follow, and share! We have exciting developments to come! Do me a favor and leave a comment. I’d to hear your feedback on this post. Thanks for reading!

Josiah duff

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