The Humble Perspective is a place where Christians and non-Christians can learn about faith in Jesus Christ. Right now we’re doing that with a blog because we believe it’s important to establish a base before launching different initiatives. While we’re focused on building a firm foundation of great content we also have exciting plans to expand our footprint in the future. Here’s what you can look forward to!

Facebook Community

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Aside from subscribing to our email list this is the best way to stay up-to-date! We share memes, live streams, and giveaways! Looking forward to seeing you there! Join the Humble Collective!

YouTube Channel

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Some content is better consumed through video! We’re excited to produce meaningful and engaging content. Looking forward to seeing you there! Join the Humble Collective!


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We’re taking our time to develop a quality program. Podcasts are on the rise. The medium allows long form (or short form) conversation. We plan to leverage this space to dive deeper into topics and events that are significant to Christian culture and values. Subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!


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The humble perspective will offer a handful of learning and development opportunities. We want to cultivate spiritual development. We’re driven to facilitate character development as well. Our courses are designed to commission kingdom men and women. Due to demand our program is selective. Join the Humble Collective!


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Monthly subscribers will receive behind the scenes footage, premier access to new content, and exclusive Humble Perspective merch. In an effort to honor loyal contributors, our monthly subscribers influence the direction of the humble perspective. Each monthly due gives you increased representation. Join the Humble Collective and learn more!